PaLA 2011 Proceedings oN-LINE
Free on-line access to the Proceedings of PALA 2011, which was at the Polytechnic of Namibia in Windhoek.
How to cite these papers
These papers are published by PALA and may be cited in other publications. Please cite the source as Online Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) and cite the full URL of the PDF file, e.g.:
How to cite these papers
These papers are published by PALA and may be cited in other publications. Please cite the source as Online Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) and cite the full URL of the PDF file, e.g.:
Krishnamurthy, Sarala. 2011. 'Cognitive Stylistics and Petit Recit: An examination of the narrative consciousness in The God of Small Things'.On-line Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA).[ conferences/proceedings/2011/krishnamurthy2011.pdf]
Citations will of course have to be adjusted to the relevant house style. PALA will ensure that the URLs for these papers remain persistent. Copyright for all papers remains with the authors.
- [PDF] Driel, Martine van, The Rhetoric of Speeches on the Economy
- [PDF] Ibhawaegbele, Faith O., Pronominal group as signals of authority, opposition and solidarity in the poetry of two modern African poets
- [PDF] Krishnamurthy, Sarala, Cognitive Stylistics and Petit Recit: An examination of the narrative consciousness in The God of Small Things
- [PDF] Leonardi, Barbara, James Hogg, ‘Basil Lee’ and the Pragmatics of Highland Masculinity
- [PDF] Milojkovic, Marija, Time and transitions in Larkin's poetry
- [PDF] Rong, Rong, Contextual frame theory and monitoring flashbacks