The PALA Student Fund
The PALA Student Fund exists to support the work of students in stylistics and related areas, by providing small bursaries to support students who are giving papers at the annual PALA conference.
If you wish to donate money to the PALA Student Fund, please use the donate button below.
The PALA Legacy Fund
The PALA Legacy Fund exists to support non-student PALA members who are unable to meet the full costs of attending the annual PALA conference from their home institutions. The fund operates with only a small amount of money and provides small bursaries to support the costs of conference attendance.
If you wish to make a donation to the PALA Legacy Fund, please use the donate button below.
(Please notify the PALA Treasurer of your donation so that it can be recorded )
One way of raising funds is for PALA members to give an amount from fees, royalties or gratuities which they may receive in their professional work in addition to their salaries.
In 2006 Geoffrey Leech and Mick Short won the PALA 25 book prize, and generously donated the total amount of their £1000 prize to PALA for the support of students.
Please note that neither PALA nor the fund are currently registered as charities.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the PALA Treasurer (see Committee page).