PaLA 2012 Proceedings oN-LINE
Free on-line access to the Proceedings of PALA 2012, which was held in the University of Malta, in Valetta.
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These papers are published by PALA and may be cited in other publications. Please cite the source as Online Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) and cite the full URL of the PDF file, e.g.:
How to cite these papers
These papers are published by PALA and may be cited in other publications. Please cite the source as Online Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) and cite the full URL of the PDF file, e.g.:
Krishnamurthy, Sarala. 2011. 'Cognitive Stylistics and Petit Recit: An examination of the narrative consciousness in The God of Small Things'.On-line Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA).[ conferences/proceedings/2011/krishnamurthy2011.pdf]
Citations will of course have to be adjusted to the relevant house style. PALA will ensure that the URLs for these papers remain persistent. Copyright for all papers remains with the authors.
- [PDF] Briffa, Charles, Style and Complementarity in Literary Translation
- [PDF] Chesnokova, Anna, Teaching Translation in Ukraine: An Empirical Project
- [PDF] Evers, Kristy and Kölle, Lisa Fiction writers and their audience: a qualitative phenomenological inquiry into who novelists write for
- [PDF] Friedman, Kenneth, Short Stories and Voltage Meters: Literature in L2 English Academic Writing Instruction
- [PDF] Fuami, Shigenobu, Wider possibilities of discourse meaning in Early Modern English
- [PDF] Keogh, Deborah, How Blogging about 'La Chanson des gueux' reinforces friendships as well as allowing for new connections
- [PDF] Krishnamurthy, Sarala, A Feast for the Imagination: An exploration of the narrative elements in the text and hypertext of A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
- [PDF] Leonardi, Barbara, The Pragmatics of Dreams in James Hogg's Cousin Mattie
- [PDF] Hargreaves, Helen, A Text World Theory approach to viewpoint analysis, with special reference to John le Carré’s A Perfect Spy
- [PDF] Lugea, Jane, The Layered Architecture and Accessibility Relations of Text-World Theory and Inception
- [PDF] Martínez, María Ángeles, The Reader-Focalizer Blend: Discourse and Cognition in Narrative Understanding
- [PDF] Ras, Ilse, The Death of Dorian Gray: A Stylistic Analysis of the Final Chapter ofThe Picture of Dorian Gray
- [PDF] Ringrow, Helen, "Because we're worth it" (?): Femininity and cosmetics advertising slogans in a cross-cultural perspective
- [PDF] Shershnyova, Anna, Metaphor in English Haiku: A Cognitive Approach
- [PDF] Sugimura, Hiroko, Online and Offline Approaches to Literary Texts As an Effective Tool in Liberal Arts
- [PDF] Teranishi, Masako Nasu, 'To be only a sensibility': Stylistic Analysis of Woolfian Internal Realism
- [PDF] Teranishi, Masayuki Literariness in non-literary texts: application of literary stylistics to comic dialogue
- [PDF] Vadim, Andreev, Analysis of Imagery System Development in the Individual Style of E.A. Poe
- [PDF] Watanabe, Akiko, Suspect Narratives of Solanio & Salarino: A Stylistic Analysis of The Merchant of Venice
- [PDF] Ye, Mao, The Evaluation of Ancient Chinese Poems in English Translation from a Stylistic Perspective